Each quarter:
Grant applications will be vetted and reviewed by our UMCG Board of Directors.
Members will review and vote on six grant applicants who will present at the quarterly meeting.
Members will have the opportunity to listen to presentations by the six finalists and vote for the top three winners will receive checks by the end of the quarterly meeting.

If you have ever wondered, what is my purpose? Or maybe you get a glimpse of the need in the world and wonder how you can make a difference?
With United Madison Christian Givers, all of those pondering questions can be answered by becoming a MEMBER. Join United Madison Christian Givers as we expand our vision and embark on a movement unlike any other!
During a time in our country where division is promoted, God is mocked and we are made to wonder if anything makes sense anymore, United Madison Christian Givers is stepping up and making a difference in a loving and welcoming way that does not conflict with our values.
Learn all about the amazing work of so many Christian non-profits in the Dane County area. The main comment we always hear is: "Wow, that is incredible, I had no idea!"
Have a say in which Christian non-profits receive grants to support them in their work. You get to vote on who receives grants.
Be a part of an organization that seeks balanced solutions based on open dialogue, listening and empathy. You don't have to "pick sides". We understand that every perspective is part of the equation. God created us all differently for His purpose. We all have different gifts we contribute to this world.