Human Trafficking Awareness, Support & Solutions
Action is Needed Now
Sex trafficking is happening right here in Madison. There are many different stories and situations when it comes to sex trafficking. Tragically, society continues to overlook the highest-risk populations. It’s time we take notice, and show the victims that we care, we believe them, and they matter.
Local Organizations for Victim Support
About Sex Trafficking & Exploitation
There are many marginalized populations in our community who suffer from trauma, homelessness, addiction, mental health challenges, and discrimination. On top of all of these intense struggles, they also have to face daily sexual assaults. This is the reality even right here in Madison.
Within the communities that are most targeted, many are children, teens, those in the LGBTQ+ community, people of color, and indigenous peoples.
You are a 15-year-old girl of color and you have experienced significant trauma for as long as you can remember. You were sexually abused by your mother’s ex-boyfriend when you were only 6 years old, you have struggled with stable housing, often living in a car with your single mother and three younger siblings. One day you meet a guy who shows you love, kindness, and promises that he will take care of you. It’s like the answer to prayers - - your prince who will save you; he makes you feel special and “chosen”.
It starts like a dream until he turns on you and forces you to “pay him back for all he does for you” by forcing you to pleasure several men every single night, giving you drugs to make you compliant, and beats you viciously if you refuse or try to get away. He slowly takes you away from your family and convinces you this lifestyle is normal. He convinces you that if you go to the police they will arrest you. He tells you to keep your mouth shut or he threatens to kill your family. You eventually give up and are convinced you don’t matter and you have no choice.
This is happening every single day to those who are the most vulnerable - right here in Madison. While reliable statistics are difficult to come by due to so many victims being unable to come forward, it has been found that over 150 ads for sex are placed in Madison every day. The number is growing because this kind of business is very lucrative. A person’s body can be used over and over whereas, in the illegal drug market, a product is gone once it's consumed. More and more, where there are drugs being sold, people are being sold.
During a time when so many of us are working to give opportunities to those in our community who have been unrepresented and level the playing field for those who have been marginalized, victims of sex trafficking remain vulnerable, voiceless, and unseen. They continue to experience all of the traumas and hardships of life while also enduring daily rape and torture.
There is something you can do to help.

Free Anti-Sex Trafficking Training
Along with our local initiative partners, we are providing free, hour long, anti-sex trafficking training to anyone interested. Click below to reach out and find a training option that works for you or your organization. Virtual options are available and donations are appreciated.